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A Breakfast Treat! Chocolate Strawberry Overnight Oats

Skeletonex | Overnight Oats, Chocolate Strawberry

I thought we could switch it up a little bit this week and talk about something everyone loves...FOOD! It's an obvious necessity, but when done right, food can not only satisfy a craving, but also fuel your body and provide a platform for great health!

Let me tell you something about my husband.....he's a picky eater. He won't admit it, but he is. With his favorite foods being steak and pizza, I wouldn't necessarily say he's exactly health conscious in all of his food choices.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one to talk. I LOVE sweets. I can't buy any type of treat to keep at the house because I don't know how to control myself. So, I don't buy it. If it's not here, I won't eat it. Simple as that!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've always had issues with breakfast. It's not that I don't like breakfast food, because I definitely do, especially bacon! I just can't talk myself into eating right away in the morning. Shame on me for that! I'm missing out on the best meal for my body. I basically had to talk myself into learning to be a responsible adult and actually eat breakfast. I had to fight with myself like a two-year old until the adult me won.

So how do I take a picky eater and a non-breakfast, sweets eater and turn them both into a breakfast loving twosome? Well, I hopped on the bandwagon and started making overnight oats! Not just any overnight oats. CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY overnight oats! Can you say the perfect blend for my sweet tooth and breakfast! Who doesn't love chocolate and strawberries?!

Skeletonex | Overnight Oats, Chocolate Strawberry

I remember when I first heard about overnight oats. It was while Bob was in chiropractic school. He had a fellow chiropractic student who was very health conscious. She share the recipe with us and I have to say, I wasn't really a fan. My initial thoughts were, "Ewwww, cold oatmeal!" So we tried it once or twice, but it never really stuck. I wasn't crazy about the taste, but honestly, I wasn't used to really eating healthy ingredients like chia seeds and greek yogurt.

It might be obvious, but since I'm not a breakfast eater, you can bet that I'm not one to get up and want to cook something. I decided to put my big girl panties on and try overnight oats again. I went searching on Pinterest and there are SO. MANY. RECIPES. I was totally overwhelmed. Go figure that I wanted to find a recipe that was super simple, didn't require a bunch of ingredients that I didn't already have, and tasted great. Sounds easy, right?

Well I did find a generic overnight oats infographic. It had a recipe for base overnight oats and a few various recipes for how to tweak it to make different flavors. Since we've been trying to be more health conscious about our food, I already had all of the ingredients, but for your convenience, I've linked to the brands we used in case you need to find them.

Two of the ingredients in this overnight oats recipe are those that my husband despises on their own - greek yogurt and vanilla soy milk. I can say that I'm not crazy on the taste of plain greek yogurt myself, but this recipe masks the taste and he like this recipe so much that he sent me a text message right after he ate it at work to tell me how "amazing" it was.

Hope you enjoy!


Chocolate Strawberry Overnight Oats

I use a quart mason jar so I can shake all of the ingredients together, but you can certainly use a bowl or a cup and just stir the ingredients.

Base Overnight Oats (use this one again and again with different flavor combinations)

- 1 tsp Chia Seeds

- 1 Tbsp. Raw Honey

- 1/3 cup Greek Yogurt

- 1/4 cup Soy Milk (I use vanilla, but you can use unsweetened or almond milk if you prefer)

Strawberry Chocolate Additions

- 1-2 Tbsp. Dark Chocolate Morsels (you can use any type of chocolate, but dark chocolate is the healthiest)

- 1/4 cup Fresh Diced Strawberries

- 1 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder

Mix together, cover, and refrigerate overnight. SO YUMMY!

How do you make your overnight oats!! Share your recipes with us!

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