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Mental Health Aid - St. Johns Wort

Skeletonex | St. John's Wort, Medicinal Plant, Flower

One of the medicinal plants we chose to grow in our medicinal garden this year is St. John's Wort. Bob and I had both heard of St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) but didn't really know what it was used for, let alone what the plant looked like.

My mom and I actually stumbled upon the plant at a local nursery and it was nothing like I had pictured. This medicinal plant is actually more of a bush. With it's pretty yellow flowers and tiny green leaves, it grows to be about two feet high and wide.

This plant is a beauty to add to your landscape, even if you aren't harvesting it for medicinal purposes. I mean look how pretty its cute little leaves are!

Skeletonex | St. John's Wort, Medicinal Plant

Fun fact about St. John's Wort is that it got it's name because the yellow flowers bloom around St. John's birthday in June. Who would have thought!

St. John's Wort is used for quite a few different health issues, but it's mainly known for its use to fight depression. This medicinal plant has been used for centuries to combat mental illnesses because of the plant's ability to breakdown serotonin in the brain, making your mood elevate. I know what I'll be taking next time I'm grumpy!

Medical Research

There have been several studies on St. John's Wort and its effect on depression. For your reading pleasure, I've providing the links to several studies below.

Based on the articles above, St. John's Wort can clash with other medications, therefore reducing the effects of said medications. Research has shown that St. John's Wort is not as effective on major depression and should not be taken to treat severe depression. Always consult your doctor before adding any medicinal plant to your routine.

Other Medicinal Uses

St. John's Wort can also be used to treat anxiety and skin conditions.

Infused Oil

St John's Wort Oil can help with stress and tension in the muscles. The infused oil uses the St. John's Wort flower, so the flowers should be harvested in late June for the best infused oil. If you don't want to make your own, you can buy St. John's Wort oil on Amazon.

Healing Salve

St, John's Wort can be used with other medicinal plants to make a healing salve for sore muscles. Mountain Rose Herbs has a nice DIY recipe for making your own healing salve with St. John's Wort oil and cayenne pepper.


The flowers of the St. John's Wort plant can be used to make tinctures as well. Check out our recipe to make your own tincture at home!


And finally, you guessed it, herbal tea! I hope you're a tea lover like me! Many, many medicinal plants are extremely effective by drinking them as tea! Because of St. John's Wort mood elevation, women going through PMS may see some relief to their mood symptoms. Note: St. John's Wort does decrease the effectiveness on birth control based on the medical research above.

So what do you think of this medicinal plant? Sound like one you want to add to your medicine cabinet?

As always,

Be Natural. Be Honest, Be Healthy.

If you haven't already, check out our FREE guide "5 Ways To Switch To An Organic Lifestyle"!

Skeletonex | 5 Ways To Switch To An Organic Lifestyle

Talk to you soon!

Bri Leichliter

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