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Are You Up For The Challenge!

Skeletonex | Health Challenge | One Small Change

What a week! It's only Monday and I'm ready for the weekend. Anyone else feel that way? This weekend was a whirlwind, which is why this blog post is at 8:14 PM and not 8 AM as usual!

As you know from our website, I work a full-time job on top of blogging and running our website. Well this week I have a huge project that I need to complete by a crazy deadline and just as I'm in the middle of it, we have a power half of my neighborhood.

Now if that doesn't put a damper on your day, I don't know what does! When the power is out you can't do anything unless you have something charged and data usage available for Internet access. This minor inconvenience did make me realize that I take a lot of things for granted though.

I mean electricity...for most of us, it's readily available pretty much wherever we go or we have some type of backup electricity if we're outdoors (car chargers, etc). Basic necessities that are provided for us are often times taken for granted. I mean how many times have you actually thought about how amazing it is that we have running water when millions of people in other parts of the world don't? How about a hot meal when so many others are going hungry?

So that brings me to today's post. Obviously, we're not going to talk about medicinal plants today, but we are going to talk about something else we often take for granted...our health.

If you've ever suffered from a serious illness, you have probably come to find yourself appreciating the little things more. When you're healthy, there are so many things you're able to do! Let's think about an example...

Say you are used to eating junk foods. Maybe you eat healthy fast food a couple times a week and your food list for the week doesn't really contain many fruits and veggies. Some of you may be thinking yeah, that's me. Are you conscious of what you're eating, or do you find yourself always on the go, so you just grab whatever is quickest? Maybe this sounds like you, maybe it doesn't. Either way, we're just looking a this as an example.

So your junk foods has some negative affects. Maybe you've gained some weight or you're gradually gaining weight, a few pounds at a time. What about your other risk factors? Risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, activity limitations, always tired, to name a few.

Maybe now instead of being able to get outside and do yard work, you tire easily, so those chores don't get done or their not up to your high standards. If you're reading this and you're still thinking you can live with all of that, then okay. But...there's always a but...

Skeletonex | Health Challenge | Remember Who'

Who is watching you? I'm not talking about judgement, I'm talking about those little eyes that are seeing what you're doing or not doing. Are your health issues causing you to not be able to play? Are your children or grandchildren picking up bad eating habits? Do you notice any decreased activity in your kids as your activity is decreasing?

We all leave a mark. Even if it's minor, there's always some sort of impression. Bob and I don't have any children yet, but we know that there are other eyes watching us. We have nieces and nephews, Bob has young patients. What kind of message do we want to send them?

Don't take your health for granted. If you need to make a change, then make it! There are a bazillion resources out there to help you make a change in your life. You can join a support group, join a fitness club, join some clean eating groups. Remember, #knowledgeispower. Educate yourself and reach out to those that can help you.

I challenge you to make one small change. Something simple. Maybe replace those junk foods with a fruit infused water. Why not make some freezer breakfast burritos that you can grab and go instead of stopping at McDonald's for breakfast (your wallet will thank you too)? YOU CAN DO IT! We believe in healthy transitions. We also understand that no one is perfect either and that lifestyle changes don't happen overnight. Bob and I both aren't 100% to the finish line with eating healthy foods, but we're making healthy changes until we get there.

I'm not saying you can't go eat a little junk foods like a piece of cake or have fun at a picnic and eat whatever you want. I'm asking IF YOU CAN make those indulgences the 20% and the healthy choices the 80%. Do you think you can do it? We think you can. And we will support you 100%!

What healthy change are you going to make? We want to know. Send us an e-mail and tell us.


If you'd like to learn more about some small healthy changes you can make, check out our FREE eBook. You can download it here.

If you're interested in taking vitamins or starting your children on a vitamin. Check out our new vitamin supply.

Thinking about changing your portions? Portion containers are great and eliminate the need for calorie counting. You can grab some inexpensive ones on Amazon.


Be Natural. Be Honest. Be Healthy.

Dr. Bob & Bri Leichliter

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